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Dr KK Aggarwal and Ms Ira Gupta 28 May 2018
If the MCI has given a decision the state medical council in absence of any stay by the higher courts are bound to act on it.
For example, in a Delhi Medical Council order DMC/DC/F14/652/2010, the State Medical Council also implemented the temporary removal of the name of a doctor from the State Medical Register as decided by the MCI. “…the Delhi Medical Council directs that in terms of MCI letter No. MCI-211(2)/2009-Ethics/63538-64207 dated 8.1.2010 as per which the Medical Council of India has ordered removal of name of Dr X temporarily … from the Indian Medical Register for a period of six months …, the Delhi Medical Council also remove the name of Dr X… for a period of six months…( DMC/DC/F14/652/2010).”